
For survivors of sexual assault, it is important to have safe and supportive networks of friends, family and workers to walk alongside them as they journey through their recovery and survival. Below we have a series of resources for allies and supporters. For more information about how to support someone who discloses sexual assault to you, please look at our resource here.

Resource for supporters and allies:

  • The Gold Coast Centre against Sexual Violence has a great resource for supports of people who are survivors of sexual violence. The resource considers 10 key points to consider when support a survivor of sexual violence. You can find this document by clicking this link.
  • BRISSC ( Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre) also features a page on their website for providing information for supports and allies. It unpacks the significance of inappropriate responses and attitudes to people disclosing sexual assault. This can be found on their site by clicking here.
  • As an ally or support of a survivor of sexual assault, you can also seek advice and support from DV Connect's Sexual Assault Helpline by calling 1800 811 811 during the hours of 7.30am and 11.30pm 7 days a week. You can read more about this service by going to their website here.