Contact Details
Phone | 1800 010 120 |
Hours | 7 days per week
7.30am – 11.30pm |
Website | |

Service Area
Statewide Queensland
Summary of Service
The Queensland Sexual Assault Line offers telephone support and crisis counselling to anyone – adults and young people of any gender identity – who has been sexually assaulted or abused, and for anyone who is concerned or suspects someone they care about might have been assaulted or abused. It doesn’t matter whether the assault took place today, last week or twenty years ago; Sexual Assault Helpline counsellors will listen to your story and assess your individual situation to help identify the best advice and support to offer you. In the case of a very recent assault not only can we give you the emotional support you need but importantly we can provide practical advice about forensic and general medical examinations, local services you can access, as well as how to make a complaint to the police.
Programs and Initiatives
Phone counselling service and information and referral.
No fees are charged for this service.
If English is not your first language we can arrange for an interpreter at no cost to you.